With this we end our tutorial on how to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu, please feel free to mention your queries/questions in the comment box below. Now restart the apache service, after which phpMyAdmin interface will only be accessible from mentioned IP address & will be blocked to rest. Where is the public ip address for the network we need access from. htaccess’ file (located at the root of the website directory)

In order to do that we will make the following entry to ‘. Suppose we have only one location which uses phpMyAdmin to administer databases, so we should allow access to only that site. Second thing, we can do secure phpMyAdmin is to make it accessible from one or limited number of IP address/location.

If you need help in securing website with an SSL certificate, refer to following articles Secure your website with SSL sha2 certificate, Learn to create SSL Certificate for Apache Server. They provide solid servers with active support. If you have no server, go with MassiveGRID. Currently, aaPanel supports Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS. So it is essential to secure it, otherwise we might loose important data.įirst thing we should do secure phpMyAdmin is that we need to use SSL certificate to encrypt all website communication. Debian, Ubuntu, Deepin, CentOS (CentOS is recommended) Clean server (No server environment such as Apache or Nginx should be installed) Install aaPanel on Linux. This allows you to specify authorization rules using callbacks in the API.With the kind of functionalities that phpMyAdmin provides, it is one of the most targeted service on internet.
For list of file installed use this dpkg -listfilesGet the name of the package with dpkg -list grep phpmyadmin. That's why I created PHP-CRUD-UI, a front-end to PHP-CRUD-API. To know the list of files installed by any package you have to do this. The only thing I was missing from the Adminer editor is an authorization model. This saved lots of time and both parties were extremely satisfied. Installation du paquet : sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin. I modified an existing stylesheet from the Adminer website to match the company colors and added the company logo. I have had some great success with it where, after styling, the customer accepted the Adminer editor UI as the final admin backed. I’m not your engineer, your engineer is and you two need to talk if you want an answer. I also cannot imagine getting stuck on the technical aspect of the task. When I need to quickly prototype an admin backend I tend to install Adminer editor (also downloadable from the Adminer website). Personally I find it VERY RED KLAXONS that Ubuntu is in use and it has PHPMyAdmin installed so there is probably a lot more to your infrastructure story.

When creating software I tend to start at the data model. I wanted to find a way to avoid that by restricting which MySQL user can login to phpMyAdmin.
If DBs root password is compromised, someone can wreck havoc on the db. To update, run the following command: sudo wget "" -O /usr/share/adminer/latest.phpĪnd for de-installation, run these: sudo a2disconf nf One of my concerns with phpMyAdmin was that by default, all MySQL users can access the db. Sudo ln -s /usr/share/adminer/latest.php /usr/share/adminer/adminer.phpĮcho "Alias /adminer.php /usr/share/adminer/adminer.php" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/nf Sudo wget "" -O /usr/share/adminer/latest.php To install, open a terminal and run the following commands: sudo mkdir /usr/share/adminer I'm sure that once you give it a try, you will be sold as well and never look back! Installation / Updating / De-installation If you liked this post about how to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04 VPS, please share it with your friends on the social networks using the buttons below, or simply leave a comment in the comments section.
I often find myself looking up those old posts, because I frequently install, recommend or update Adminer. As I wrote two years ago and four years ago: Adminer is a very good alternative to PHPMyAdmin.